April 05, 2003

RSV Update an' Stuff

I offer my heartfelt thanks to the many of you who sent me well-wishes and prayers for my daughter's speedy recovery. Apparently they worked, because she recovered speedily. She's back at home now, asleep.

Speaking of sleep, never go to the hospital to spend the night with your child and expect to get sleep. Apparently, even though the child's vitals are well within the tolerances for stability, the machines measuring those vitals must periodically announce things like "I might be low on fluid" or "3am and all's well" in tones that say to a sleeping father "WAKE UP! THE BABY IS DYING!!"

I got two semi-solid hours of sleep.

I'm not sure, but I think that normal ("regular") crap is "semi-solid." Thus, it's safe to say that I slept like crap for the two hours I slept.

In related news, my trip to San Jose was memorable for those I traveled with. Apparently Sleep-Deprived Howard is even more entertaining than Regular Howard.

Hee hee... "Regular" Howard. I kill me. Now if only I could SLEEP me.