April 20, 2003

Happy Easter!

On the first Easter that Schlock Mercenary was on the web, I held a little easter-egg hunt on the site. Mostly it was mouse-overs, but there were two eggs that you could only find by viewing the source and manually entering a URL. The second of those two required you to look at the URLs of all the other eggs, identify the prime-number pattern used to pseudo-hash the filename, and then come up with the next URL on your own.

Pretty cerebral stuff.

This year's egg-hunt is less cerebral. You will be required to look through this entry for things to click on. Since I'm running low on time, the things for you to click on are actually hosted by (nay, completely and utterly OWNED by) others.

Oh, and I'm too lazy to try to hide the link text, so if you see something blue and underlined, you've got a clue right there.

BrainShare 2003 is over now. I'm home, I'm well-rested, and the buffer stands at 21. I have a LOT of work to do in order to get things back in shape, though (and some of those things include me -- I haven't been to the gym in three weeks, and I've gained five pounds.)

As part of my relaxation campaign I caught the matinee showing of Bulletproof Monk Friday morning. It was delightful. Jeff Vice of the Deseret News here in Utah didn't really like the movie much, but I'm okay with that. Deciding whether or not to see a movie based on the opinion of someone you've never met is iffy business (which is why the fact that I enjoyed the film thoroughly should have no bearing on you).

Another element of my relaxation involved two naps on Saturday. A failed portion of my quest to unwind was Halo, which left me angry that I had not had any fun. Fortunately, as part of BrainShare, I got a bit of Anger Management, which helped prep me.

In completely unrelated linkage, if you're not yet a regular visitor at Homestar Runner, you should be. Start here, then hit this and be sure to wait for the last screen, where you can find at least two easter-eggs with a little mouse-over action.

Happy Easter!