Burning Schlock's Atomic Feed

With yesterday's infrastructure upgrade, we had to tell Feedburner about the true Atom source of the Schlock Mercenary feed. The nice thing about Feedburner is that it will let us do this. The problem with Feedburner is that when we did this it spammed subscribers with a week's worth of updates.

If you're reading this blog post in a feed aggregator of some sort, you probably got a pile of Schlock updates dumped on you in the last 24 hours. Sorry! We're pretty sure it won't happen again, because we're pretty sure we don't need to make any more changes to the feed. If you notice other oddness about the feed, please contact us at schlockmercenary@gmail.com.

If you're reading this blog post on the site, you might want to subscribe to the Schlock Mercenary RSS feed. If you're too cool for a text link, try out the RSS Hypernode at the bottom of the page. You can also subscribe to the Schlock Mercenary feed by email, or "friend" the Schlock feed over on Live Journal.