February 11, 2003

A little while back Jen Contino interviewed me for Pulse, the Comicon.com online 'zine. Her article aired today, and can be found here once it falls off of the Pulse front page. The article is full of choice quotes and my standard self-deprecatory narrative, and has a comments section built right in to it. After reading a few articles elsewhere on the site, I'm more than a little interested to see what kind of lambasting, ranting lunacy will spontaneously combust down there. Like anywhere else on the web that allows readers to express their opinions, the landscape at Pulse is notably pocked with the craters, shrapnel scars, and patches of scorched earth that any experienced reader can simply file under "flame war."

I'm not knocking it, mind you. For instance, I really like the work of Frank Cho, and so it was refreshing to see him publicly eviscerated after sharing an experience from his early career. What can be more illuminating than discovering that one of your artistic heroes is, in fact, a 'mediocre hack?' And all that in a thread that wasted no time devolving into a hypothetical discussion of Adolph Hitler as a painter, and a non-hypothetical discussion about certain folks' opinions of the pogrom against the Jews.

I had no idea Cho was so controversial. Ah, the education that awaits us on the web...