An Essay, an Interview, and a Pep-talk

November, home of great events like Thanksgiving, NaNoWriMo, and Veteran's Day, is drawing to a close. This is fine, because December is next, and it's where we find Hanukah, Christmas, New Year's Eve, and Let's All Go See The Hobbit.

You probably recall the 2013 Calendar I wouldn't shut up about all month. Sandra is sorting the pre-orders for that right now, and we hope to ship those out at the very beginning of Hobbit-Month. Meanwhile, perhaps you'd like to read about what goes into writing mercenary maxims? I've written a guest-post over on Jennifer Brozek's blog in which I talk at length about how difficult it can be to write the right 95 words. The article is called "Nothing But Pith," and I'm quite pleased with it.

I was also interviewed by The Webcomics Alliance during November. They have a ten-question boilerplate which I did my best to respond to. You be the judge. In fact, you can be the judge AND post a comment to that effect. 

Finally, with NaNoWriMo wrapping up, I have recorded a "slipped deadline" pep-talk for all of you novel-writing participants. It includes a dirty secret! If you like writing, you can hear me talk about stuff like this every week on the popular, award-winning, Hugo-nominated Writing Excuses podcast. 

That's all for now. You have fun things to read, or listen to. Me, I need to take down all of these turkey decorations and start painting hair on my feet.