Webcomics WikiWatch

WikiWatch... image courtesy of Brad GuigarSomebody over at Wikipedia (and by "somebody" I mean "several short-sighted, empire-building editors") doesn't like Webcomics.

Terrence Marks recently pointed out that roughly 50 webcomics articles have been deleted in the last month. The article for Brad Guigar's "Evil Inc." got the purge, too (he provided the tasty eyeball WikiWatch image in his blog today.) It's only a matter of time before "Schlock Mercenary" get's the purge.

"Why" you ask? Ask the editors. They'll come back with "not notable" or some such. That's been their only excuse, even after purging entries for hugely influential webcomics, notable apparently to everybody EXCEPT the Wikipedia Censorship Politburo.

I love Wikipedia, but whatever passes for an editorial board over there obviously has it in for webcomics. You can learn more about the 1972 cartoon show "Josie and the Pussycats" at Wikipedia than you can at IMDB, but the webcomics you and thousands of others are currently reading are "not notable."

Apparently to be "notable" something can't have an exclusively online presence (unless, of course, it's Wikipedia, which has a somewhat masturbatory entry in the Wikipedia,) and can't be a webcomic at all -- Evil Inc. is also running in newspapers. See, Wikipedia is "not an internet directory," so it is only able to authoritively link to stuff that you can read in books or watch on TV.

If you think that this is improper behavior for the editors of a self-styled "open" encyclopedia, let 'em know. After all, with the attitude they're displaying it's only a matter of time before solid, factual, useful information you need is declared "not notable" and is deleted.