August 02, 2005

All Better!
entry, Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005

I didn't do any drawing Monday, and I did feel a little under the weather, but I'm pretty sure I'm all better.

No, my shoulder isn't completely back up to spec, and I still can't sleep on it, and I'm still taking Vitamin I and the occasional muscle relaxant, but life seems to be back to normal. That, for me, is going to have have to count as "all better." Once I'm going to the gym again I can say "back in fighting trim," and as of today that future proclamation no longer seems so far off. Like maybe Friday.

Nowhere is my progress more clear than in a comparison of photographs, one taken in the afternoon on July 14th, following my doctor's visit the day of the injury, and the other taken Monday, August 1st, in my recently reorganized office studio.

That's me lying on my bed in my undershirt, hydrocodone making me stupid but not taking away nearly enough of my pain. You can see the strap for my sling draped across me, and I'm looking kind of corpse-colored. That's actually the most flattering picture I could find from that day (there's a particularly nasty one, taken just before I decided to lie down, in which I probably could have passed for an extra in a George A. Romero movie.)

That's me taking my own picture right here in my office. Note the happy colors of my healthy, pink face. It helps that I'm wearing a peach shirt ($3.00 at Wal-Mart, yay for summer clearance sales) instead of a dingy white undershirt, but wow... I look human. That's what 17 days of healing looks like.

I guess now it's time to get back to work.

(As always, if you're morbidly interested in the details of the cartoonist's life, you can find almost daily updates at