Sketchy Progress

As of this writing I've sketched in 82 of the 680 copies of Massively Parallel awaiting my Sharpie. This batch was all international orders, and the sketches in question were LOTA, Para, Kathryn, Tagii, a Burana bot, Elf, and Pi. There are more international sketches to take care of, but I'm pretty confident that we'll be able to get all of those out the door by December 2nd.

The calendars have all been sketched, and the only ones that haven't shipped are the ones that are supposed to have sketched books in the box with them. 

I think this means I'm right on schedule. The buffer is taking a beating, but I'm pretty sure I can tread water for a week while I finish another 600 sketches. And on that note, Ebby and Elizabeth are on deck right now, and I'm not asleep yet.