Pod to the Cast: The Sound of My Own Voice

While I was away at Balticon, my friends Brandon Sanderson and Dan Wells were at CONduit where they went off and recorded five whole episodes of Writing Excuses without me. The worst part? These were really good episodes. The second of those five is live now, and features Q&A with L.E. Modessit, Jr. The consolation prize? I podcasted twice from Balticon. Here is first of those recordings, in which I am interviewed by P.G. Holyfield for MaAH. It's a discussion of pacing as well as of my GoH presentation at Balticon. If we assume that I am responsible for 1/3 of each of our 15-minute Writing Excuses episodes, then I missed out on 25 minutes of talking into a microphone. I'm pretty sure I more than made up for that in just the MaAH interview with P.G. Holyfield. It's 37 minutes long, and I strongly suspect I'm responsible for 28 of those minutes.