Project Update: Lots of Irons in this Fire

I'm back from a four-day jaunt to Chicago during which Brandon Sanderson, Mary Robinette Kowal, Dan Wells and I were able to record a dozen or so episodes of Writing Excuses, including two or three with Wes Chu, and one with a librarian from a local Junior High School. Per Twitter, I could tell when we were done because my talk-brain was empty and my listen-brain was full. 

On my plate right now: Inking comics, putting some finishing touches on the Challenge Coin PDF (a project that got waylaid by a number of factors, but which has NOT been forgotten,) and working on the tabletop RPG we're creating for the Schlock Mercenary universe.

The RPG project is especially exciting, because the way it's shaping up I think the only artwork of mine that will appear in the book will be the icons used for bullet-points. Why? Because we've got artists sending in the first round of pieces now, and their visions of the Schlockiverse show a lot more detail than mine do. I'm just the art director for this one, and my goal is to provide players with an immersive experience, not another book of comics. The artists have been doing a great job of looking at my art, reading my descriptions, and then creating the locations, ships, characters, and gear that I've been rendering via a cartoony shorthand. 

(I say I'm "just the art director." I'm also writing tens of thousands of words of world-book stuff for designer Alan Bahr to wrap stats and adventure seeds around.)

Nothing to show yet, however. Watch this space...