Pre-Orders Close Any Moment Now

Update: Sandra has benevolently decreed that she will sort orders extra-fast, allowing us to extend pre-orders through Friday, thus allowing those who get paid on June first to not miss out on sketch editions.

I can't tell when you're reading this. I was going to say "Pre-Orders Close Tomorrow" and then I realized that many of you might not get around to reading the title of this post until Friday afternoon, in which case you'd be misled unless you scrolled down.

Pre-orders close Friday afternoon sometime (in Utah), which, depending on when you're reading this, may very well be "any moment now." We've got some sketch editions left, and a cool bundle that will let you get the most recent three books at a nice discount.

Unrelated: I'm back from the World Steam Expo, and I owe you a report of some sort. I also owe you a review of Men In Black III. Both of these will need to wait another day or so.