Thursday April 9, 2009
Book 11: Massively Parallel — Part I: High Olympus Command


Elf: Sorry for the hold-up, Driggs. Let's see the new blueprints.
Driggs: Well, the original Daehremman owner was downright paranoid, so he designed the ship to provide choke-points to his conning tower.
Driggs: It was a long, sleek design, but not ideal for knocking around with no shields along the inside of a rotating city.
Elf: And you're drawing up a ship design that is ideal for knocking around like that?
Driggs: Ideal? No. The only ship ideal for that is one that's well-insured, and that you're not riding inside.
Elf: "Buy good insurance" and "don't ride inside" are not what I want to find in the winning bid.