Sunday November 19, 2000
Book 1: The Tub of Happiness — The Shopping Trip


Narrator: Captain Tagon has recruited some new blood for the company. A reverend, to attend to the funeral of the old, dead doctor, and a new doctor to serve as a replacement.
Tagon: Okay, troops, This is Doctor Lieutenant Edward Bunnigus, and standing next to her is the very Reverend Master Sergeant Theo Fobius.
Nick: I think I'm overdue for a physical.
Shep: Me too.
Brad: "Edward?"
Tagon: While we're assembled, I'd like the reverend to conduct a funeral for our last doctor.
Reverend: Right. What's the name of the deceased?
Tagon: Oooh, uh... I don't know. He enlisted before we ran much paperwork.
Reverend: Okaaay. Do you mind, then, if I just refer to him as "this dead guy?"
Tagon: Works for me.
Reverend: Right, here we go then.
Reverend: This dead guy is dead. Judging by what I can see through the nice casket window, he's probably dead because he didn't duck. Say your prayers, make your peace, but always remember to duck, folks.
Sign: Deceasefire Coffinpedo (tm)
Reverend: You probably all miss him. but if I'm the judge, the new doctor is a whole lot easier to look at. I'm thinking you're all going to be a lot healthier, what with the increased trips in for physicals, and the like. So, all told, it's a net gain. God works in mysterious ways, but I think I've figured this one out.
Breya: Is that IT?
Reverend: Oh, I forgot. Amen.
Reverend: Now, launch the corpse, and let's go get some chow.
Narrator: He's really more of an irreverend...
Der Trihs: