Monday June 10, 2002
Book 2: The Teraport Wars — The Teraport Wars
Actually, Captain Megiddo now has fourteen hands at his disposal. Kevyn either neglected to count the original, non-naked Megiddo, or has trouble multiplying six by two. Given that Kevyn is equal parts scientist and engineer and regularly works with huge numbers that may or may not be rational, finite, or even real, I wouldn't put it past him to screw up simple arithmetic. That's what computers are for, after all.


Kevyn: Gav, i've got it! I have the entire network mapped!
Gav-0: Already? But we only sent captain megiddo through a half-dozen times.
Kevyn: Sure, but the copy-and-paste signal path uses so many subsystems, I was able to WHAT?
Gav-0: I said we only sent captain megiddo through six times.
Kevyn: Great, there are now six copies of him in prison module 3-H2L-GP4, stripped of weaponry, comm, and possibly clothing.
Gav-0: It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
Kevyn: The man could kill you with his bare hands, and now he's got twelve of them!
Footnote: Actually, Captain Megiddo now has fourteen hands at his disposal. Kevyn either neglected to count the original, non-naked Megiddo, or has trouble multiplying six by two. Given that Kevyn is equal parts scientist and engineer and regularly works with huge numbers that may or may not be rational, finite, or even real, I wouldn't put it past him to screw up simple arithmetic. That's what computers are for, after all.