Monday August 14, 2000
Book 1: The Tub of Happiness — Diplomatic Pouch of Doom


Golbwerian Official: Captain, the Ambassador told us about the Creeth plot. We cannot thank you enough for saving the negotiations.
Tagon: What he means is that they are going to give us a cheap certificate.
Golbwerian Official: Though your contract was not with us, it is with deep gratitude that we transfer 10,000 galactic credits into your account.
Tagon: WHAT!?!
Breya: What my colleague means to say is that he was expecting a certificate.
Golbwerian Official: Oh. We do have a medal to award as well...
Tagon: Is it cheap?
Golbwerian Official: Well, it's laminated scrap-metal that we fastened to a Salvation Army necktie...
Tagon: See. I told you so.