Saturday June 14, 2003
Book 3: Under New Management — Part III: Board of Accidental Tourism


Bunni: Theo, love, I'm sorry. I've been teasing you. I looked at the beast's brain before Ch'vorthq cooked it, and it was very simple.
Bunni: Neither the brain size nor its ratio to body size is an indicator of intelligence.
Bunni: It's the complexity that matters. Language, art, poetry, tool-use. . . The hallmarks of sentience depend on intricate structures not present in the brain I examined.
Bunni: That pseudo-whale was probably no more intelligent than Earth's dolphins.
Bunni: I mean, before they were genehanced, and got into the United Nations.
Whaleling Mum: <Where's your little brother? It's time to start.>
Whaleling Sproggen 2: <He went up to the beach for some snacks. We can have poetry night without him.>