Sunday April 18, 2004
Book 5: The Scrapyard of Insufferable Arrogance — Part I: Hand to Mouth


Narrator: There are two high-ranking prisoners deep in the brig of the Athens.
Jevee Ceeta: Believe what you want, General, but I was loyal to you to the very last.
Narrator: One is Colonel Jevee Ceeta, a one-time bounty hunter called back into the military to hunt down the very ship in whose brig she currently sits.
Narrator: The other is General Levaughn Matsui Xinchub the U.N.S. Officer who reactivated Colonel Ceeta and sent her out looking for the Athens.
Xinchub: "The last..." Was that the part before or after you tried to convince Tagon you'd planned the destruction of my ship?
Jevee Ceeta: I was trying to get back into Tagon's good graces so maybe one of us would be on the outside of this brig.
Jevee Ceeta: You know, the side where they keep keys, comms and maybe even a working terashuttle?
Xinchub: Fine. You've spent more time with these mercenaries than I have. What do we need to offer our guards in order to suborn them?
Jevee Ceeta: Right now they all think Captain Tagon walks on water. They won't cross him for anything.
Jevee Ceeta: We'll have to wait until he drops his next op into the crapper. Then maybe an offer of cash and amnesty will start to look good.
Xinchub: Provided we don't get dropped in the crapp, too.
Tagon: Hey, good news you two. I've decided not to kill you today.
Xinchub: Oh. Hello, Tagon. How can not dying be good news when you haven't changed our menu in here for three weeks?
Tagon: Because I'm letting you go.
Jevee Ceeta: Letting us go? Just like that? You're kidding me.
Tagon: Well, I'm not so much "Letting you go" as "Selling you into slavery."
Xinchub: I smell a crapper-drop