Thursday August 23, 2001
Book 1: The Tub of Happiness — Equivocated Prevarication


Tagon: Schlock agreed to vote in favor of the open-source initiative. I just had to promise him that we'd keep the contract on attorney drone bounties.
Breya: Well, that's it then. Now I just need to get past the whole "I'm going to be rich" mind-set... Letting go is hard.
Tagon: Ooh. Kevyn is your chief scientist. How'd he take this?
Breya: He yelled alot, but understood the dilemma we've got. Still, he's at loose ends right now.
Tagon: I'll bet. Losing his life's work like this.
Breya: 'He'll be fine. I told him he'd just have to go invent something else.'
Ennesby: What's that, Kevyn?
Kevyn: If it works, i'll tell you about it yesterday.