Wednesday July 5, 2000
Book 1: The Tub of Happiness — Meet The Mercenaries


Kevyn: Hey, Lieutenant. I heard about your surgery. How'd things go?
Der Trihs: Rotten. My HMO doesn't cover limb regeneration.
Der Trihs: Intergalactic Health Care™ grafted me to this.
SFX: (Motorized Whisk) WHIRRR
Kevyn: So, from now on you'll be working in the kitchen, I guess?
Der Trihs: Nope. Food service regulations say you can't touch food with your bare hands.
SFX: (Motorized Whisk) WHIRRR
Kevyn: But that's not a hand. It's a motorized whisk.
Der Trihs: Intergalactic Health Care™ says its a hand.
SFX: (Motorized Whisk) WHIRRR
Der Trihs: Besides, the only thing I know how to cook is toast.