Thursday July 27, 2000
Book 1: The Tub of Happiness — Diplomatic Pouch of Doom


Schlock: Kevyn, the Creeth Ambassador smells wrong.
Kevyn: You can smell? Schlock, I didn't know you had a nose.
SFX: (Kevyn working on Ennesby) Tinker Tinker
Schlock: I smell with my mouth.
Kevyn: Don't you also eat, speak and excrete with same mouth?
Schlock: It's the only oriface I've got, Mister Multiple-Holes.
Kevyn: No offense, but knowing the nature of your sensory apparatus, I'm not sure I trust your sense of smell.
Schlock: I'm getting a little tired of my mouth being the butt of peoples jokes.
SFX: (Kevyn working on Ennesby) Tinker Tinker
Kevyn: You can't blame us if your mouth is a bu
Schlock: Don't say it.