Sunday June 25, 2000
Book 1: The Tub of Happiness — Meet The Mercenaries


Sign: BIOHAZARD infectious waste
Schlock: You keep your lunch in the same cooler as the infectious waste?
Kevyn: Come on. It's a hot dog. . .
Breya: Have you moved all your projects in to your new lab?
Kevyn: Yup. Got it all stowed yesterday. I even got my door decorated.
Sign: RADIOACTIVE EMISSIONS exposure can be fatal
Sign: FLAMMABLE GASSES no smoking, unshielded electronics, or flatulence
Sign: CORROSIVE AGENTS do not pour on hands
Sign: NAKED SINGULARITIES black holes, distorted space-time, cosmic string
Sign: MICROWAVE LASERS weapons-grade coherent emissions
Sign: HIGH VOLTAGE do not lick wires (this means you)
Breya: Kevyn, is it safe to have all these things in the same lab?
Kevyn: Heck, no. It's not even safe to have all these signs on the same door.